2021 Yellowstone County Democratic Convention

Call to Convention, May 19, 6PM

It’s time for our annual county convention! This year’s convention will be held in person and simultaneously streamed on Zoom, in respect of public health and safety.

The in-person meeting will be held at
Teamster’s Hall, 437 Kuhlman Lane

Please RSVP whether
you will attend in person or by Zoom

Each year, the Democratic Party in counties across the nation gathers together for an annual convention. 

Conventions are grassroots democracy in action and represent a powerful force in the Democratic party. At this year’s convention, we’ll elect County Party officers, delegates to the district parties and convention, and members to represent Yellowstone County at the State Executive Committee.

Click here for an FAQ on County Conventions from the State Party.

Start a conversation

Conventions are fun, energetic environments where you can meet folks from all across the county who share your passions and Democratic values.

Our convention is open to the public but only elected delegates will be eligible to cast votes. This is a great opportunity to invite a friend or neighbor to observe and learn more about Democratic values.