3 Things You Can Do – It’s time to speak up

The legislative session is  moving full steam ahead, so expect to see this weekly newsletter fill up with opportunities to contact your local representatives or testify at a committee hearing to support and protect the issues you care about most!

1) Testify about a bill

Visit the Volunteer Calendar and look for the orange coded events, find a topic(s) that you want to learn more, and open the event for details on how to add your voice.  These are the committee hearings for bills and issues that need your voices to protect our rights and strengthen Montana communities.

Even if you pick one bill to speak on, that’s one more voice to remind our state legislators who they’re working for!

Visit the Volunteer Calendar

2) Get re-energized

The Yellowstone Dems are ready to take on the year! We have a plan, and we’d love you alongside us! Find your fire for change and a better future by joining us at this week’s Central Committee meeting, any number of social gatherings throughout each month.

Visit the Events Calendar

3) Join a Neighborhood Task Force

If we want to see more democratic voices in our local and state governments, we start with giving voice to our democratic values in every corner of our communities.

For those who live in Billings, neighborhood task forces give community members a place where they can voice their concerns and listen to ideas on how to improve their neighborhood and surrounding community as a whole.

Find your Neighborhood Task Force here: https://www.billingsmt.gov/512/Neighborhood-Task-Forces