3 Things You Can Do: Local Business Edition

You can build a stronger community, a little at a time. Here’s three things you can do this week, about taxes edition.

1: Something to Talk About: Local Business

Above all else, small locally owned businesses are fundamental to the distinctive character of our community. Whether you’re in Billings or Broadview, the places where we eat, shop, and have fun all have the potential to make our communities feel like home. Not only do small businesses provide us with unique, quality experiences, nearly three-quarters of the dollars we spend in those businesses get returned to our neighborhoods in expansive ways.

The Small Business Act defines a small business as “one that is independently owned and operated and which is not dominant in its field of operation.” Interestingly, over half of American workers (52%) are employed by a small business.

The Local Works West Michigan Economic Analysis describes four ways in which a locally owned business keeps money local:

  • wages and benefits paid to local residents,
  • profits earned by local owners,
  • the purchases of local goods and services for resale and internal use, and
  • contributions to local nonprofits

2: Something to Do: Make a Recommendation, Ask for a Recommendation

If you know someone who owns or works at a locally owned business, think about who in your circle might benefit from those products or services and give a recommendation.

You can also look their business up on Google, Facebook or their website and leave a positive, detailed review.

And, if you’re shopping for a product or service, start a habit of asking around for a locally owned resource that you can check out first.

3: Something to Join

This week, join the next Central Committee meeting on Wednesday, January 17 at 6pm. You can attend the meeting either in person at the BEA conference room, or remotely by Zoom. Click here for location directions, zoom link and an add to calendar link

Other community meetings this week include the Billings School Board ad Yellowstone County Commissioners meeting, as well as the neighborhood task force meetings for Billings West End, Rimrock and Southside areas.

Check out the 3 Things calendar for times, locations and agendas of what’s going on this week.

This is part of our weekly newsletter, “3 Things You Can Do” to help you build a stronger community through information on issues and opportunities to create connection in your neighborhood, on your own time. Each newsletter includes:

  • Something to talk about: facts about a topic or issue that impacts our local community
  • Something to do: a prompt for a small gesture to get out and connect with your family, friends and neighbors
  • Something to join: opportunities to participate or lead in your local community