3 Things You Can Do – Thanksgiving Week

Welcome to our weekly newsletter, “3 Things You Can Do This Week”. It started this summer as a way to help volunteers with the local legislative campaigns. We all feel like we should be doing more, sometimes – but really, all our individual steps of action, no matter how little it feels, makes a big impact.

1: Seek Deeper Connections

The number one way to build a government that represents our community’s values is to… build stronger community connections! And that starts with bravely, consistently engaging in deep, thoughtful conversations, especially with people with whom we might disagree.

Many of us will find opportunities to practice deep connection conversations at our next family holiday gathering.

Vox’s article “How to talk someone out of Bigotry” lays out an achievable, scientifically proven method on, well, how to talk someone out of bigotry.

Also, for more in-action examples of how to talk to people with whom you can’t imagine finding a connection, check out the award winning Conversations with People Who Hate Me Podcast with Dylan Marron

Yellowstone Democrats are committed to continuing these conversations, door to door, throughout the next year. If you’re not sure how to get involved, keep an eye out for future training events.

young clothing store manager packaging shirt into shopping bag

2: Shop Local

If you’re shopping this holiday weekend, plan some time to visit locally owned shops and restaurants. The unique character of our Montana community is defined in large part by the business that reside here.

Exerting influence with your purchasing choices, or “voting with your wallet.” builds and protect businesses that respond to our community values than the large big box stores ever will be.

This online interactive map by American Express lists some great locally owned businesses – check it out!

“Going local does not mean walling off the outside world. It Means nurturing locally owned businesses which use local resources sustainably, employ local workers at decent wages and serve primarily local consumers. It means becoming more self-sufficient and less dependant on imports. Control moves from the boardrooms of distant corporations and back into the community where it belongs.” – Michael H. Shuman, author of the book Going Local.

3: Stay Informed on Redistricting

We’re already planning our next information campaigns while legislators are in session this winter.

Some changes we’re making now include formalizing two email newsletters – our regular monthly news, and weekly “Three things you can do” updates. And, we’ve added text messaging updates to those who subscribe to SMS updates.

Read the Latest on Redistricting