Support HB 386, Establish requirement for paid sick days
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What: HB 386, Establish requirement for paid sick days
Position: SUPPORT
When: Thursday, February 9th @ 8:30 AM
Where: Business and Labor – Room 172 – Sign up to testify or submit written comment
Talking Points:
HB 386 would allow employees to earn up to 5 paid sick days per year. Part-time, seasonal, and temporary employees would also be eligible to earn prorated paid sick days.
Paid sick days allow workers to take a day off when they or a child or loved one is sick. Nobody should have to choose between a paycheck or job security and being able to take care of themselves when they’re sick.
Paid sick days are good for public health, reduce unemployment, and increase financial stability for low-income Montanans.
Studies show that nearly 25% of private sector workers – and more than 6 in 10 of the lowest-wage workers – don’t have access to even a single paid sick day. Workers in more dangerous and public-facing jobs, like construction and service workers, are less likely to have paid sick days than those in management or professional jobs.
Paid sick days are important for families. Working parents without sick days are more likely to send a sick child to school or daycare, delay taking a sick child to the doctor, and/or utilize the emergency room over primary care.
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