2024 Democratic Delegate Selection County Convention
The Yellowstone County Democrats are calling their 2024 Democratic Delegate Selection County Convention to be held on June 5, 2024 at 6 p.m. in at the IBEW Local 523, 5200 Midland Rd, Billings, MT 59101.
Here, we caucus with the purpose of electing delegates to be sent to the Montana Democratic Party’s Delegate Selection Convention in Havre, Saturday, June 8 to elect Montana Democrats to serve as delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, the week of Aug. 18.
Summary of delegate conventions this year:
[This event] Yellowstone County Democrats Delegate Convention: June 5
Elect 21 delegates and 21 alternate delegates for the State Delegate Convention
Montana State Democrats Delegate Convention: Jun 8
Elect delegates and alternate delegates for the National Delegate Convention
National Democratic Party Convention: Aug 18
State elected delegates join to elect the National Democratic Party presidential candidate
All Democrats who are registered to vote in Yellowstone County are invited to participate in this process. There is no cost to participate. Organizers encourage all Democrats, including members of minority groups, to attend and be part of the County Convention. The venue for the convention is accessible to Democrats with disabilities.