Public Hearing on HB 2: The HEART Initiative
Raise your voice for a better Montana by testifying on this bill. Write out your comments in advance, then follow the link to sign up to testify or submit written comment
What: HB 2, Public Testimony on the HEART Initiative
When: Thursday, February 9th @ 8AM-Noon
Where: Appropriations Subcommittee B – Room 102 – Sign up to testify or submit written comment
Contact for questions: Rep. Mary Caferro (D) – (406) 461-2384
Talking Points:
HB 2 – Public Testimony: HEART Initiative
This would use some of the revenue from Marijuana sales to fund behavioral health, including substance abuse treatment
We need to make investments in child and adult behavioral health, mental health, substance abuse because the state is facing a crisis
Dedicated workers should not have to sacrifice their health and that of their families caring for MT’s most vulnerable people.
Vulnerable people need to be cared for in their homes, and communities, by friends and neighbors close to their loved ones.
They should not have to leave their communities and homes to get the care they need.
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