Support HB 201, Revise minimum wage laws

Raise your voice for a better Montana by testifying on this bill. Write out your comments in advance, then follow the link to sign up to testify or submit written comment

What: HB 201, Revise minimum wage laws

Position: SUPPORT

When: Thursday, February 2nd @ 8:30 am

Where: House Business and Labor Committee, Room 172 – Sign up to testify or submit written comment

Goal: 5+ in person/zoom, unlimited calls/emails to the committee

Talking Points:

  • The cost of everything, including, goods, services, and housing is skyrocketing in Montana

  • Higher earnings will improve the overall standard of living and allow minimum wage workers to invest more of their earnings back into the economy and support local businesses as consumer spending will increase

  • It’s only fair that wages keep up with rising costs – Montana workers deserve fair pay.

  • This minimum wage increase isn’t extreme, but still provides a more proportionate income level to handle the cost of living increases

  • Raising the minimum wage will allow more families to move out of poverty and reduce the need for state and federal government assistance programs

  • Sufficient wages spurs motivation in employees to put in their best effort on the job, and help increase employee retention

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Feb 02 2023


8:30 am
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