Support HB 389, Create a mini-COBRA law for small employer health insurance plans

Raise your voice for a better Montana by testifying on this bill. Write out your comments in advance, then follow the link to sign up to testify or submit written comment

What: HB 389, Create a mini-COBRA law for small employer health insurance plans

Position: SUPPORT

When: Thursday, February 9th @ 8:30 AM

Where: Business and Labor Committee – Room 172 – Sign up to testify or submit written testimony

Talking Points:

  • COBRA on the Federal level is incredibly popular: it ensures that workers who lose their job have the ability to continue their health coverage if they choose to pay for it.

  • However it only applies to businesses with more than 20 employees; it does not apply to small businesses or Montanans who work at small businesses.

  • HB 389 gives small businesses the option to offer COBRA to their employees, giving more Montanans security in their health coverage if their hours are reduced, or if they experience a transition between jobs, death, divorce, and other life events.

  • Employees pay for the health coverage extension and there is no cost to the state

  • There is no burden on the employer: HB 389 does not require employers to offer a health benefit plan, and it does not adversely affect a small business’s health insurance premium.

  • It’s an optional benefit that Montana’s small businesses could choose to offer their employees to improve their ability to recruit and retain good workers.

  • This is common sense – 44 other states have already passed laws like this.

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Feb 09 2023


8:30 am
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