Support HB 416, Provide income tax credit for renting below market rate

Raise your voice for a better Montana by testifying on this bill. Write out your comments in advance, then follow the link to sign up to testify or submit written comment

What: HB 416, Provide income tax credit for renting  dwelling below market rate

Position: SUPPORT

When: Tuesday, February 14th @ 9 AM

Where: House Taxation Committee – Room 152 – Sign up to testify or submit written comment

Talking Points:

  • Montana’s housing crisis is going to require multi-pronged solutions. This bill allows us to incentivize affordable rents right away, while other housing solutions (like incentivizing new building) take time for Montanans to see the results.

  • 30% of Montanans rent and they are struggling to keep up with skyrocketing rates that are pricing out Montana families from the communities they choose to live in; this is an issue that affects our economy too, as many communities struggle to find workers who cannot afford housing

  • This bill provides an incentive to landlords to rent units at rates Montanans can actually afford – and benefits both renters and landlords. It’s a win-win.

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Public Testimony:


Feb 14 2023


9:00 am
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