Support HB 594 – A bill to ban killer robots

Raise your voice for a better Montana by testifying on this bill. Write out your comments in advance, then follow the link to sign up to testify or submit written comment

What: HB 594 – A bill to ban killer robots

Position: SUPPORT

When: Friday, February 24th @ 7AM

Where: House Judiciary Committee – Room 137 – Sign up to testify or submit written comment

Talking Points:

  • Technology and artificial intelligence are advancing at an increasing rate.  Laws have not kept up.

  • Computers should never make decisions about who lives and dies as they cannot be held accountable.

  • Machines that kill without human oversight will be used to wage wars and carry out assassinations.

  • If we don’t deal with this seriously and proactively, Montana, Americans, and humans will be in trouble

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Feb 24 2023


7:00 am
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