Support HB 649, Address Nursing Home closures, healthcare staffing shortages

Raise your voice for a better Montana by testifying on this bill. Write out your comments in advance, then follow the link to sign up to testify or submit written comment

What: HB 649, Implement rates from provider rate study to address Nursing Home closures, healthcare staffing shortages

Position: SUPPORT

Where: House Human Services Committee – Room 152 – Sign up to testify or submit written comment

When: Friday, February 24th @ 3pm

Talking Points:

Background: The state requested a study on health care provider rates and found out that the state is dramatically underfunding community health care providers. The discrepancy in rates has been a main contributor of care providers closing down across the state. The Governor’s budget and Republicans proceeded to not match the study’s recommended provider rate increases

  • HB 649 would fully fund community health care providers at the rate recommended by the state-funded Guidehouse studies.

  • Because of the dramatic insufficiency of provider rates in Montana, 12 nursing homes have closed and at least 857 skilled nursing facility beds have been lost. The State Hospital is so chronically understaffed that the facility lost $7 million in annual federal funding due to health and safety violations.  HB 649 is a common sense method to address these inefficiencies.

  • Montana is facing a devastating staffing shortage in health care services, including behavioral health care, developmental disability care, and senior and long-term care.  We cannot afford to not take action.

  • The Republicans have proposed we underfund community health care providers by 15%. What business can run on a 15% loss?

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Public Testimony:


Feb 24 2023


3:00 pm
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