Support the Current Redistricting Plan
Raise your voice for a better Montana by testifying on this bill. Write out your comments in advance, then follow the link to sign up to testify or submit written comment
What: Meeting of the Districting and Apportionment Commission
When: Friday, February 10th @ 2 PM
Where: Room 172 – Sign up to testify remotely
Talking Points:
The Tentative Commission Plan takes into account public comment from all over the state and does the best job of incorporating ideas from the public that worked within the framework of your adopted criteria and goals.
One of the best features of the Montana Constitution is that politicians don’t get to draw their own districts. Please don’t adopt changes because of political pressure from political power players.
The Commission’s compromise map that was submitted to the Legislature for comments balances all the adopted goals of the Commission. The Republican Legislature’s resolution recommends changes to further advantage the majority party at the expense of criteria and consensus work and that’s wrong.
- Please adopt a map that is fair to all Montanans. Don’t let one party redraw to benefit their party and incumbents.
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