Oppose HB 152, Revise laws related to professional and occupational licensure

Raise your voice for a better Montana by testifying on this bill. Write out your comments in advance, then follow the link to sign up to testify or submit written comment

Sponsor: Bill Mercer (R)

Position: Do Not Support

When: Wednesday, January 18th @ 8:30 AM, House Business and Labor Hearing

Where: Room 405 – Sign up to testify or submit written comment

Contact: Katharine Burnham – (202) 415-5742 – katharine.burnham@legmt.gov

Goal: 5 people to testify, unlimited calls/emails

Talking Points:

  • This bill eases licensing restrictions for professions like nurses, physical therapists, and clinical social workers. While we need more people to take on these jobs, I don’t think the best way to do that is to require less stringent requirements to be licensed to do such important work.

  • The Governor may see this as “cutting red tape” but we should not be cutting corners when it comes to certifying that healthcare professionals have the skills to treat patients.

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Public Testimony: https://leg.mt.gov/public-testimony/


Jan 18 2023


8:30 am
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