Oppose HB 216, Generally revise laws related to public employees and labor organizations

Raise your voice for a better Montana by testifying on this bill. Write out your comments in advance, then follow the link to sign up to testify or submit written comment

When: Tuesday, January 24th @ 10 AM

Where: House State Administrative Committee – Room 455 Sign up to testify or submit written comment

Contact: Hadley Stack – hadley@montanademocrats.org

Goal: 20+ in Person/Zoom, unlimited calls and email to the State Administration Committee

Talking Points:

  • An illegal intrusion on worker rights and freedoms and on the voluntary relationship between workers and their unions

  • Creates a bureaucratic nightmare and more red tape

  • Exposes employers to unfair labor practice litigation

  • Every state and federal court has ruled that the 2018 Janus decision does not apply to the voluntary continuous relationship between workers and their unions

  • No one is ever forced to join a union and union members voluntarily agree to pay dues. Union members have the freedom to choose to join their unions

  • In unionized public sector worksites across montana, management and workers have VOLUNTARILY negotiated that the employer will deduct dues for continuing members from their paycheck. No one forced this to occur. Both workers and employers have agreed that this is the most practical option.

  • HB 216 is government overreach and an assault on the freedom of speech and association of Montana workers like nurses, educators, police, state troopers and more

  • HB 216 places undue burden on workers and exposes the to litigation. It forces public employers to collect employee data annually and to illegally discuss union membership with employees

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Public Testimony: https://leg.mt.gov/public-testimony/


Jan 24 2023


10:00 am
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