Oppose HB 87, Standardize licensing board organization

Where: Room 172 –  Sign up to testify or submit written comment

Contact: Katharine Burnham – (202) 415-5742 – katharine.burnham@legmt.gov

Goal: 5 people to testify, unlimited calls/emails

Talking Points:

  • Gives the governor sole authority to appoint and remove board members with or without cause

  • Takes out the requirement that a Montana physician be included in the board of medical examiners, we need Montana experts to be on these boards as well as licensed medical professionals

  • Harms the board of dentistry by removing licensing requirements and allowing non-Montana dentists to serve on the board of dentistry. We need professionals who have been actively practicing in Montana to serve on these boards. The ill does the same thing for the boards of pharmacy, nursing, nursing home administrators, optometry, chiropractors, radiologic technologists, speech and language audiologists, hearing aid dispensers, phycologists and so on….

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Jan 19 2023


8:30 am
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