Support HB 233: Requires the refund of residential lease application fees

Raise your voice for a better Montana by testifying on this bill. Write out your comments in advance, then follow the link to sign up to testify or submit written comment

Position: Support

When: Tuesday, January 17th  8AM

Where: Room 137, Link is HERE

Talking Points:

  • This is a common sense, bipartisan solution to a problem that hurts Montana renters.

  • Montanans deserve the freedom to live in their own community / community of choice.

  • MT renters are being squeezed on all sides right now — this is a smart solution.

  • In an already extremely expensive and competitive rental market, renters can be on the hook for hundreds of dollars just to apply for apartments they won’t even get. These costs can be prohibitive for many.

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Jan 17 2023


8:00 am
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