Support SB 193, Require legal review notes to be posted with legislative bills

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What: SB 193, Require legal review notes to be posted with legislative bills

Position: SUPPORT

When: Tuesday, February 14th @ 8:30 AM

Where: Senate Legislative Administration – Room 335 – Sign up to testify or submit written comment

Talking Points:

  • It requires legal review notes to be attached to the bill and publicized on the website, and available to the public just like a fiscal note is.

  • After much debate and pushback, the legislature finally put this in its rules for this 2023 session, which is good.

  • However, It’s important to codify this, because this rule has varied from session to session.

  • This is a freedom to know issue guaranteed in the MT Constitution

  •  Having legal review notes could avoid the state spending millions of dollars defending bills passed into law that are later not upheld by the courts

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Feb 14 2023


8:30 am
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