Gianforte’s Vetoes Make His Priorities Clear: He’s Not Fighting for Working Montanans 

Governor Gianforte has shocked even members of his own party with his liberal use of his veto pen, rejecting a growing slate of popular, bipartisan bills that support working Montana families, health care, rural communities, hunters, anglers, and Montana wildlife.

“While fast-tracking bills to strip away our constitutional rights and shower his wealthy friends with cushy handouts, Governor Gianforte vetoed bills that support working families, wildlife conservation, and children in crisis,” says Sheila Hogan, executive director of the Montana Democratic Party. “The Governor’s growing pile of vetoed bills paints a pretty clear picture of where his priorities lie.”

Governor Gianforte has rejected:

  • A bipartisan bill to increase oversight of abuse and neglect reports at the state hospital, SB4. The bill did not receive a single ‘No’ vote from any member of the legislature in the House or the Senate. 
  • A bipartisan child welfare bill to require Child Protective Services to obtain a judicial warrant before removing children except in emergency situations. HB 37 was developed after two years of research by the bipartisan Children, Families, Health and Human Services interim committee.
  • A bipartisan bill, HB 29, to ensure patients with dementia, Alzheimer’s and traumatic brain injuries at the State Hospital can be transferred to receive timely and appropriate clinical care.
  • A bipartisan bill with a historic coalition of support – SB442 – to use marijuana tax revenue to secure millions of dollars for Habitat Montana, fund the maintenance and construction of rural roads, and provide assistance for veterans and their surviving spouses and dependents.
  • HB 889: a bipartisan and common sense bill to protect the rights of Montana mobile home owners, despite the fact that out-of-state private equity firms are buying up mobile home parks and raising rents in Montana. 
  • HB 828, a bipartisan bill to increase funding for ambulance providers, many of whom are struggling to stay operational in rural areas.

What are people saying?

Unpopular, inexplicable and contrary to the wishes of both the legislature and the people of Montana.” – Montana Association of Counties leadership board, on the Governor’s veto of SB 442

The inflammatory language of the governor’s veto letter ignores the reality that warrants, or court orders, to remove children from their homes in cases that are not emergencies are used in at least 20 other states.” – Rep. Jennifer Carlson (R- Manhattan), on the Governor’s veto of HB 37

The only thing that is compromised with the governor’s veto is the health and safety of every patient that is in that hospital.” – Director of Disability Rights Montana Bernie Franks-Ongoy, on the Governor’s veto of SB 4