MT Republicans Kill Paycheck Transparency

On the heels of one of the largest women rallies in Montana history, Montana Republicans in the Legislature failed to do what’s right today and support Montana women by passing the Montana Paycheck Transparency Act.

The Governor’s legislation, (Senate Bill  217), carried by Sen. Diane Sands (D-Missoula), was tabled by Republicans on a party-line vote Friday morning. The legislation would have prevented employees from being fired for talking about their salaries with coworkers and prohibited employers from requesting previous salary and benefit information from job applicants. The important legislation aimed to advance pay equity by promoting wage transparency, minimizing discriminatory practices and increasing career opportunities for Montana women.

“Our Republican colleagues had the chance to support equal pay for equal work and pass the Paycheck Transparency Act to support Montana families, but they failed,” said Nancy Keenan, Executive Director of the Montana Democratic Party. “This legislation has been long overdue and would go a long way to help solve the wage gap in Montana.”