Meet and Greet with Penny Ronning – A party for a good cause

The more the merrier, so please don’t hesitate to send this invite to your friends too!
RSVPs (406-670-6132) for location details

Dear Friends,

Our state and country are reeling right now from so many tragedies and crises that it’s hard to decide where to start to address them. There are no words to describe the tragedy that took 21 innocent lives this week. As a parent of two young daughters, I can’t even comprehend the despair and anger the parents of the children mercilessly killed at Robb Elementary School this week must be feeling. Many of us are still grieving here in Montana from the loss of State Senator Mark Sweeney earlier this month. And there are countless attacks on our privacy and autonomy coming from leaders at all levels of government, with the expected U.S. Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade coming soon.

It’d be easy to throw up your hands and say there’s nothing we can do. But there IS something we can do. We can work to elect leaders who will fight with the majority of Montanans and the majority of Americans who believe in common sense solutions to problems, who want a strong economy, who value civil rights, and who will fight for people over politics. If you want leaders who will work across the aisle but who will also champion your values and say it is time to do SOMETHING, please come meet my friend Penny next week and consider supporting her campaign. The details for the event are below and attached. Please visit to learn more about Penny, her work on City Council that helped keep Billings safe, and her campaign. Please consider making a donation. And, if you live here in Montana, please vote for Penny in the primary election on June 7th!

Thank you for your consideration.

Stephanie Baucus


Jun 01 2022


5:30 am - 6:30 pm
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