Support HB 350, Generally revise country of origin labeling

Raise your voice for a better Montana by testifying on this bill. Write out your comments in advance, then follow the link to sign up to testify or submit written comment

What: HB 350, Generally revise country of origin labeling

When: Thursday, February 2nd @ 3 pm

Where: House Agriculture Committee – Room 137 – Sign up to testify or submit written comment

Goal: 5+ in person/zoom, unlimited calls and emails to the committee

Talking Points:

  • Consumers want to know where their meat is coming from

  • This information is important to consumers to know

  • A truthful label is fair to ranchers and consumers and is critical for food security.

  • COOL helps make people make safe, healthy food choices and allows them to support local farmers and ranchers

  • Buying Montana made products is important for both economic and environmental reasons

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Feb 02 2023


3:00 pm
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