New Series: Why Gianforte does not represent Montana values

Part 5: Greg Gianforte advocates for policies that would take money away from public schools

The Montana Democratic Party is highlighting why failed candidate for governor, New Jersey multi-millionaire Greg Gianforte, is unqualified to hold that seat. 

The Montana Democratic Party reminded voters about Gianforte suing the people of Montana to block public stream access, lobbying for a statewide sales tax, his reckless comments criticizing retirement and Social Security, and his record of outsourcing jobs.

Greg Gianforte simply does not represent Montana values and another important issue at stake in this upcoming election is public education.

With anti-public education Betsy DeVos as the new Secretary of Education, the stakes could not be higher for Montana’s public schools.

Greg Gianforte led the charge on school privatization in Montana and has called for the same disastrous education policies as Secretary DeVos. Gianforte’s anti-public education agenda is a threat to Montana educators, students, and public schools:

  • Like DeVos, Gianforte donated millions to special interest groups pushing for policies that would strip funding from public schools and put it toward private and religious schools.
  • He has referred to public schools as “a monopoly.”
  • Gianforte’s Petra Academy, a private school which he serves as chairman, called public schools “a failed experiment.”
  • During the governor’s race, Gianforte’s proposed tax plan called for taking away $33 million from local schools to give tax breaks that benefit the wealthy and out-of-state corporations.
  • Gianforte encouraged parents to move their children out of public schools and even claimed that it’s a “myth” that public schools needed more resources.

Montanans will continue to hold Greg Gianforte accountable for his anti-public education crusade that hurts Montana’s public schools.