Announced by Bill Cole, Mayor of Billings

My office is now accepting letters of interest to fill the vacancies on the Boards and/or Commissions listed below. For more information on each please visit

Applicants must generally live within the City Limits and may have special requirements. I am asking for your thoughtful consideration of potential service on these Boards and/or Commissions.

City Boards and Commissions are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. City Boards and Commissions are advisory only and have no administrative authority, unless specifically required by Federal or State Law, or Interlocal Agreement.

Members of Boards and Commissions serve without compensation, must be at least 18 years of age and reside within the City limits (home residence) unless otherwise required or permitted by applicable law or agreement. Terms of office are generally four (4) years.

If you are interested in applying for any of the positions listed below you can download an application from our website located at or drop by City Hall, 210 North 27th Street to pick up an application: Mayor’s Office P.O. Box 1178 Billings, MT 59103-1178

The DEADLINE for applications is: January 11, 2021. (The Mayor’s office reserves the right to extend this deadline in its discretion in individual cases for good cause, including as a courtesy for applicants, to solicit additional applications, etc.)

Thank you, in advance, for your willingness to serve your community.