Quist Denounces Dangerous D.C. Health Care Proposal; Gianforte Won’t Oppose It

Washington GOP Insiders’ Plan Would Leave 24 Million Uninsured, Give Tax Breaks to Millionaires Like Gianforte

Montana U.S. House candidate Rob Quist today denounced House leadership’s health care plan in D.C.–which would leave 24 million Americans uninsured while giving $600 billion in tax breaks to corporations and millionaires.

Millionaire Congressional candidate, Greg Gianforte this week refused to publicly oppose the proposal that would effectively cut access to health insurance for thousands of Montanans.

“Montanans deserve a real answer on where their candidates stand when it comes to reliable, affordable health care– and Greg Gianforte is not giving them that,” said Rob Quist, candidate for the U.S. House. This D.C. health care proposal is dangerous and out of touch with what working Montanans need– and until Greg Gianforte tells us he’d vote against it, it’s safe to assume he’ll be toeing the party line, just like he always has.”

House Republican leadership, which wrote the health care proposal, is currently spending $700,000 in TV ads on Gianforte’s behalf via their SuperPac.

According to the Associated Press and non-partisan reports, under the D.C. health care proposal:

  • Montana would have to spend an extra $126 million a year to continue its Medicaid expansion program under proposed legislation to replace the federal Affordable Care Act
  • 12,700 new potential jobs in Montana created under Medicaid expansion would not materialize

Greg Gianforte lost his bid in Montana’s 2016 gubernatorial race. He touts his support for efforts in D.C. to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which provides affordable healthcare to over 70,000 Montanans. Gianforte has long funded D.C. special interest groups, including Americans for Prosperity, that fought Montana’s bipartisan HELP Act.