SERIES: The MTGOP’s Misplaced Priorities

Republican Legislators Put Political Agenda Ahead of Montana Jobs

The Montana Democratic Party today continues “The MTGOP’s Misplaced Priorities” campaign highlighting Republican Legislators’ focus on backward legislation that benefits their political agenda, ahead of legislation that promotes job creation or strengthens our economy.

This week saw the introduction of Senate Bill 329, from Sen. Keith Regier (R-Kalispell), and a House Judiciary hearing on SB 282, from Sen. Albert Olszewski (R-Kalispell), both of which restrict a woman’s right to make her own personal healthcare decisions.

Montanans don’t want politicians like Sen. Regier and Sen. Olszewski making their healthcare decisions for them. Personal healthcare matters should be kept between a woman and her doctor, her family, and her faith.

Both of these bills are an unconstitutional restriction on reproductive healthcare and in the case of Sen. Regier’s bill, a similar piece of legislation in Idaho was recently struck down by the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Sen. Regier and Sen. Olszewski’s bills are just another unnecessary Republican attack on women’s health instead of focusing on creating high-wage jobs and growing Montana’s economy.

Montanans deserve better.