Rob Quist’s Medical Story – He Wants to Hear Your Medical Story

Dear friends and fellow Montanans,

I know how worrisome it is to put your life in someone else’s hands and hope for the best. And we all know what it is like dealing with big insurance companies. Montana has some of the best medical professionals in the country, but sometimes things still go wrong.

Years ago, I went under the knife for gallbladder surgery and it went badly.

My family was faced with thousands of dollars in medical bills that nearly bankrupted us. That’s a story that too many Montanans share.

Montanans and hard-working folks across this country are too often put into the same financial situation my family has had to face. One in five working Americans1 — even those with insurance — reported that they have had problems paying medical bills, according to a 2016 survey.

I know my family’s health care story isn’t unique. That’s why I’m asking to hear your story.

.What is your healthcare horror story? When were you forced to make some difficult decisions between your health and your way of life here in Montana? What did you end up doing to get by?

Click here to share your stories with me so we can take action!

Your stories will help me elevate your voices and represent your needs when I’m elected your next Congressman. With your support, I will fight everyday for your right to have quality, affordable healthcare and to continue to lead healthy, productive lives.

Your stories will help me elevate your voices and represent your needs when I’m elected your next Congressman. With your support, I will fight everyday for your right to have quality, affordable healthcare and to continue to lead healthy, productive lives.

Share your stories to help us stand up to radical leaders in Washington who want to take away our access to quality, affordable health care.


Rob Quist