Wanted: Your Best Thoughts

By Mary Westwood, Chair of the Yellowstone County Platform Committee

Any opinions expressed in this article are those of the individual author, but the words
of the Montana Democratic Platform are available to all and should encourage discussion and understanding among all Montanans.

Good government comes from the people. In 2024, Montana Democrats will once again review the Montana Democratic Platform – the statement of values all Democrats share and the document you have an opportunity to influence. So let’s begin now. Take a look at the current platform on our About page.

Are there any changes you would like to see? What legislation should be proposed and passed to fully implement the values of our Party? Let’s start thinking now about how we will move forward to improve on the great ideas in our Platform. Please pass those ideas on to me at mew528110@aol.com or call me at (406) 245-7704.

Democrats are invited to participate in defining what they and their party stand for. These ideas begin in each county and are further refined at a statewide meeting of elected delegates where debate is welcomed and encouraged. Any Democrat can attend the State Platform Convention and advocate for a particular idea.

The next Yellowstone County Platform Convention will be in May, 2024. The State Platform Convention will be held in the summer of 2024. As an individual Democrat, you have the power to define what your party believes and supports through participation, legislation and governance. Please be a truth seeker, ignore unsubstantiated rumors and help your fellow citizens get the real information about your party. Share our platform with your friends and neighbors. We are many who have become one in this great experiment in democracy.