First, the Yellowstone Democratic Club is NOT the Yellowstone County Democratic Central Committee.  The Yellowstone County Democratic Central Committee is a body created by Montana Law and as such is the legal Democratic Party for Yellowstone County.  By law it is composed of two Precinct Committee Persons from each Precinct in Yellowstone County.  Under the law it can do certain legal acts like nominate a replacement for Yellowstone County Commissioner Bill Kennedy when he resigned.  In contrast the Yellowstone Democratic Club is a simple social club of Democrats from the entire Yellowstone Basin from Gardiner to the Missouri River.  Its members meet to have fun socializing with fellow Democrat and hear speeches.

Last Tuesday, January 17th, the Yellowstone Democratic Club had its first dinner of the year.  Over 30 people attended the buffet dinner at the Fortin Culinary Center 2112 4th Ave. North. They heard from Kari Kaiser who spoke on Big Sky Rising: Billings and Planned Parenthood.  We also heard a presentation by Kathy Masis, MD, Lori Byron, MD, and Rod Byron, MD, who spoke about Climate Change and the group Citizens’ Climate Lobby.   Danny Choriki, the new Communications Director for the Central Committee, gave a talk on the new website for the Democrats.

At the January 17th Dinner the Club also elected Club Officers for 2017.  The Officers are:

Paul Van Tricht, President

John Rossiter, Vice President

Nancy Coleman, Treasurer

The next Dinner will be held at the Tuesday, February 21st.  The evening starts with sign in/no host reception at 5:30pm.  A buffet dinner starts at 6:00pm.   Cost $10.  If you wish you can bring a bottle of your favorite beverage or wine.  The program which has not been chosen will start at 6:30pm.

It is very important for people to RSVP before Thursday, February 16th by emailing .   If your RSVP is received you will receive a “Thank You.”