Bernie Sanders Backs Rob Quist, Will Campaign in Montana Next Month

Bernie Sanders is backing Rob Quist’s campaign for Montana’s U.S. House seat and will be campaigning with the Flathead folk musician across the state in May.
“Rob Quist is the only person in this race who understands that we need a government in Washington that works for all Montanans and all Americans and not just the special interests and the billionaire class,” Bernie Sanders said. “Congress right now is dominated by politicians who worry about the needs of their wealthy campaign contributors. We need members of Congress like Rob who will work to rebuild the shrinking middle class, who will fight all attempts to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and will oppose tax breaks for the very rich. Rob is a populist, grassroots candidate fighting for the working families of Montana. I look forward to campaigning with him in May and working with him in Congress.”  
“I’m excited that Bernie Sanders recognizes that our grassroots campaign is building momentum and has the best chance in decades to take back Montana’s U.S. House seat for the rest of us,” Rob Quist said. “In the U.S. House, I’ll be a voice to protect our public lands, fight for working families, work for better health care, and stand up to Wall Street and special interests.”
Montanans can sign up to find out more details about Bernie and Rob’s visit by texting BERNIE to 30644 or by going to
Reporters interested in attending events with Bernie and Rob should contact Tina Olechowski at tina@robqui