Amanda Curtis for Congress 2017

headshot-close-cropBiography for Amanda Curtis

Amanda Curtis is a math teacher at Butte High School.  She holds a biology degree from Montana Tech and a master’s in Educational Leadership from the University of Montana.  Amanda is on the NEA Board of Directors, is a state-wide officer of MEA-MFT (Montana’s largest union), and is a trustee of the Southwestern Montana Central Labor Council.

Amanda has been teaching for twelve years and has earned Distinguished Educator awards in Helena and Butte.  She is a Montana Tech Distinguished Alumna and mentors several young women.  In 2013, Amanda co-founded the Butte America Foundation (BAmF), a social justice non-profit. Under her leadership, BAmF started a progressive radio station in Butte, leading to station start-ups in Missoula, Hot Springs, and Helena.

Amanda served her first term in the Montana Legislature during 2013, where she passed two bills.  She used social media to become the most transparent politician in Montana.  Amanda became the second woman in Montana’s history to run for United States Senate following a Democrat Special Nominating Convention in August 2014.  In only 80 days, Amanda’s campaign raised nearly a million dollars, traveled 11,000 miles, and garnered 150,000 votes.

Amanda currently represents Butte in the Montana House of Representatives, where she continues her daily video blogs.  She is the vice chair of the Business and Labor Committee and serves on the Education and Local Government committees.  Amanda is carrying infrastructure, school funding, and healthcare transparency bills.  She is a strong, outspoken woman.

Here is the link to Amanda Curtis’s announcement video.