Here’s 3 Things You Can Do this week to elect more Democrats in 2024

You can build a stronger community, a little at a time. Here’s three things you can do this week, about taxes edition.

First thing this week: Let’s Fill the November Ticket

Thursday, February 8, 4pm to 8pm
Billings Education Association conference room
510 N 29th St, Billings, MT 59101

Join us for a search party to identify potential candidates for open Legislative seats, as well as nominees for open precinct committee positions. Enjoy pizza and refreshments and help look through lists look for names to build our team!

Second thing this week: Support Your Democratic Candidates

Visit and bookmark our Action Center page for a list of current candidates that will appear on ballots in Yellowstone County this year.

Meet & Greet with Ryan Busse & his running mate!
Tuesday, Feb 20, 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Bar MT, 2314 Montana Ave, Billings, MT 59101

Visit and bookmark our Action Center page for a list of current candidates that will appear on ballots in Yellowstone County this year.

Third thing this week: Bring a Friend

Invite a friend to join you at a community meeting.

Think about it, what are friends for? Bringing a friend to a room full of new people boosts confidence and deepens one’s sense of ownership for your community. Having a familiar sounding board can help you identify opportunities for better solutions and amplify each other’s voices.

Find a local event, invite a friend, and find out how your local government and organizations are working in your neighborhood.

This is part of our weekly newsletter, “3 Things You Can Do” to help you build a stronger community through information on issues and opportunities to create connection in your neighborhood, on your own time. Each newsletter includes:

  • Something to talk about: facts about a topic or issue that impacts our local community
  • Something to do: a prompt for a small gesture to get out and connect with your family, friends and neighbors
  • Something to join: opportunities to participate or lead in your local community