Kelly McCarthy for Congress 2017

kelly-mccarthyKelly McCarthy Announcement Seeking the Democratic Party’s nomination for the US House seat in 2017

It’s with a great deal of excitement and humility that I announce my decision to seek the Democratic Party’s nomination for Montana’s lone Congressional seat should Congressman Zinke clear the confirmation process for Secretary of the Interior.  It would be an extreme honor to be the sole voice of The Last Best Place in the US House.

I was born and raised in a big Irish family on Billings’ Southside and cannot imagine a better place to grow up.  Our neighborhood looked like Montana, with every thread of the unique fabric of our state represented and appreciated. The values exemplified by my family and neighbors growing up in Billings have been a centering point my entire life.

At 19 I left Montana seeking employment and adventure…and found both.  Soon after joining the Air Force I began service in the US Intelligence Community.  This role took me all over the world and provided opportunities to work with people of many races, religions and creeds.  My experiences were mostly exhilarating and sometimes demanding, but I was forever inspired by the strength of the human spirit and the common humanity that I observed during this time. I also worked with some amazing people and witnessed acts of bravery and sacrifice that the world will never hear about.  From them I learned a very raw and real appreciation of what it truly means to serve.

Upon returning to Montana, I was lucky enough to be able to represent the same neighborhoods where I grew up in the Montana legislature.  Some of the faces have changed, but the story remains the same.  Working families still struggle but are held together by a common bond of neighbor helping neighbor, pride in our communities, and wanting the best future possible for our kids.  

While serving as your voice in DC, I’ll make sure that we advance policies that will help strengthen the economies and opportunities in cities and small towns across Montana.  Montana will always be our Last Best Place.  By helping Montana’s small businesses compete globally, providing safeguards for our family farms and ranches, promoting responsible resource development, and investing in much needed infrastructure, we will also be the first best place for good paying jobs, strong local economies and fertile ground for innovators and entrepreneurs.

My work in the Montana legislature has been aimed at creating opportunity for anyone willing to roll up their sleeves, making sure that our most vulnerable are protected and preserving our state’s incredible beauty.  These are values that bind all Montanans and are the values that I will to take to our nation’s capital if the good people of our great state give me the honor of serving them there.


Kelly McCarthy

PS  I am happy to release all of my military records – un-redacted.  I’m proud of my service and there’s nothing there that I need hidden from voters…but someone else needs to do the paperwork for me please ☺

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