Despite lawsuit, Montana is ready to vote by mail

By Nancy Leifer

Click here to read the original article on the Montana Standard.

The recent lawsuit alleging that Montana’s mail-in elections are risky discredits Montana’s election administrators. Montanans can vote safely and securely by mail in this election and every election.

Over 70% of Montana ballots cast in the 2016 general election were absentee. Montana’s June 2020 primary all-mail election had the highest voter primary turnout in recent history with a record-breaking number of ballots filed. Our county elections offices and US postal workers capably handled this surge in mail-in ballots. Managing 100% mail-in elections is not a stretch for the dedicated bi-partisan public servants who administer our elections.

Our election judges take an oath to protect the vote. They are the foot soldiers who defend our elections and guard our democracy. They deserve our support and gratitude, not unfounded accusations. Here are some facts about how Montana election officials in every county follow strict procedures to maintain the integrity of our elections:

• Your mailing envelope has a bar code, which is scanned and noted on your voting record in the Voter Database maintained by the Montana Secretary of State.

• Your signature on the mailing envelope is verified as a match to your signature in this database before your ballot is accepted.

• Accepted ballots are kept in a locked secure storage area as they are received.