Supreme Court strikes down affirmative action programs in college admissions

This week the Supreme Court issued a ruling dismantling affirmative action programs in college admission.

The Democratic Platform affirms that neither a peaceful planet nor a democratic society can survive without appreciation for the diversity of all people and respect for the unique value of each person . Under that belief, we specifically support affirmative action to provide opportunities for members of historically marginalized groups to pursue meaningful, substantial, and gainful activity.

In SCOTUSBlog’s excellent review of the case, including all opinions, writes “Sotomayor’s 69-page dissent emphasized that the “limited use of race” by colleges and universities “has helped equalize educational opportunities for all students of every race and background and has improved racial diversity on college campuses.” “Although progress has been slow and imperfect,” she wrote, “race-conscious college admissions have advanced the Constitution’s guarantee of equality and have promoted” Brown v. Board of Education’s “vision of a Nation with more inclusive schools.” “The devastating impact of” Thursday’s decision, she concluded, “cannot be overstated.””