GOP Legislature still stalling on infrastructure

As Montana’s legislative session continues, Speaker Knudsen and Republican Legislators continue to stall on a job-creating infrastructure bill.

“Montanans expect and deserve action from the Republican leadership on such an important jobs bill,” said Nancy Keenan, executive director of the Montana Democratic Party. “It’s time to stop the political games and pass a bill that builds our state, helps our local communities, and strengthens our economy.” 

Debate on Governor Steve Bullock’s infrastructure bill, House Bill 14 being carried by Rep. Jim Keane (D) of Butte, ended last Friday. No action has been taken by Republican leadership yet to advance this bill.

Governor Bullock recently visited the small town of Froid in northeastern Montana to tour an infrastructure project with Mayor Sheri Crain and discuss the jobs it would create.

Governor Bullock’s bill would fund infrastructure projects across Montana and create thousands of good-paying jobs in the process. His bill ensures communities, businesses, and Montanans have efficient and reliable infrastructure that helps grow our economy and protects our quality of life.