Please take the COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Survey from RiverStone Health

RiverStone Health, Yellowstone County’s public health agency, is asking community members to help them plan the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccines. Vaccines are expected to gradually become available to more Yellowstone County residents over the next several months.

The vaccination of a large number of adults in our county will require careful planning and good communication. That is why RiverStone Health is conducting an online survey to help measure community interest in vaccination. They want to be sure to address community questions and concerns about COVID-19 and the vaccine to prevent that disease.
Answers to the survey will be anonymous, unless individuals completing the survey choose to identify themselves. All survey results will be reported as totals that don’t identify individuals.

The survey is online now at

It takes about five minutes to complete and will be open through Friday, January 15.

RiverStone Health encourages Yellowstone County residents to complete the survey to help them understand what you think about COVID-19 vaccination.

The survey also is available at the RiverStone Health COVID-19 website: